*********************************************************************************** This directory contains fixes for R/390 Release *********************************************************************************** General Infomation: ------------------- * p370.obj (for AIX 3.2.5) When installing, you MUST use P/390 Advanced Diags/LIC version 1.26. Contact your R/390 service provider for this diskette. Fix Methods: ------------ ALWAYS shutdown the 390 OS AND stop390 (END P/390) before applying any fix. ALWAYS back up the old module before applying any fix module. ALWAYS observe the module type (BIN vs. ASC). ALWAYS observe the mixed case file names (do not convert). See which of these steps to use below for each fix (Patch Steps): 1) Copy module to /usr/bin/r390 and remove the file extention 2) chmod 755 mod_name 3) ipl390 (IPL P/390) to activate 4) Copy module to /etc/drivers and remove the file extention 5) shutdown -Fr (reboot AIX to activate) 6) Copy module to /usr/bin/r390 and change the file extention to .EXE 7) chmod 644 mod_name 8) Copy module to /usr/bin/r390 as is (ASCII file) 9) Modify the ipl390 script file appropriately. See Special Instructions Below! Fixes for ------------------ D S C E Y U V S S T T T E E E T S S No/Filename MMDDYY Fix description T T T CoReqs Steps ----------------- ------ -------------------------------------------- ------ ----- 01 dm34xx.3670Abin 090897 Picks up 4.1 level (IBM 3490F0x) Y N Y None 1-2-3 dm34xx.3670Bbin 102897 DDR370 problem on tape changes Y N Y None 1-2-3 Support for IBM 3490-F00 & F01 MVS IEA435I error msg due to IDRC 02 chan.3670Abin 090897 3174 prob (CHAN370 370 guest of VMESA) Y Y N None 1-2-3 chan.3670Bbin 091097 370 VMBACKUP under VMESA (fix was lost)Y N N None 1-2-3 chan.3670Dbin 120397 Async intrrpt enhancments (SDLC Probs) Y N Y None 1-2-3 03 huronmain.3670Abin 090897 3174-1L SNA TR GTWY "device INOP" Y Y Y 04 4-2-5 3725 BSNC error "lost data" at 4800 Y Y Y 04 4-2-5 Performance Enhancement Y Y Y 04 4-2-5 Missing CE/DE on VTAM Startup Y Y N 04 4-2-5 huronmain.3670Bbin 102897 PMRs 22716,34915 3270 prob & performnc Y Y Y 04 4-2-5 3270 Unit Check problem when Chained 04 hurondd.3670Abin 090897 See huronmain 03 4-2-5 hurondd.3670BAbin 102897 See huronmain 03 4-2-5 05 dm2540.3670Abin 090897 AWS2540 0 records in file (VM/ESA 2.2) Y Y N None 1-2-3 06 dmtape.3670Abin 102897 VM/370 hang during IPL (TIO BUSY loop) Y N Y None 1-2-3 Make sure this is now a USER process in ipl390/stop390. 07 dasd.Abin 093097 PMR32400 VSE IDCAM restore to FBA bug Y N Y None 1-2-3 Make sure this is now a USER process in ipl390/stop390. 08 dmckd.Bbin 120297 Sync Sort and ReadTrack fixes Y N Y None 1-2-3